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Green Energy for a Billion Poor

BOOK COVER Green Energy for a Billion Poor Nancy Wimmer

Green Energy for a Billion Poor: How Grameen Shakti Created a Winning Model for Social Business
Witness the innovations of Grameen Shakti, sister company of the Nobel Prize winning Grameen Bank.
· Discover how Shakti masters the unique art of rural business, letting five million people benefit from light, electricity and additional income.
· Learn about Shakti's inner mechanics, services and values - and understand its success.
· Enjoy the lively stories told by the pioneering engineers in the hinterland of Bangladesh 
· Read what Shakti's founder and Nobel Laureate, Muhammad Yunus, says about the book: "I congratulate Nancy Wimmer for getting interested in the activities of Grameen Shakti and studying it so deeply to bring out what makes it work. She did not stop at presenting the philosophy and the impressive results produced by Grameen Shakti, she went beyond them to discover and understand the foot soldiers-cum-creators of Grameen Shakti. That makes this book very unique."

by Nancy Wimmer, a WCRE network leader and a member of the WCRE Chairpersons Board
ISBN 978-3-943310009

A German language edition was released in November 2012:
Nancy Wimmer, MCRE Publishing

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