A turning tide?

Dear All,

A momentous article appeared in The Telegraph yesterday. In brief, if you missed it: fossil-fuels are the new sub-prime, heading for mass stranding, billions of dollars will be wasted; meanwhile a solar revolution rushes up on us under the radar, standard-bearer of a transformative green industrial revolution that can no longer be avoided.  Written by international business editor, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, it comes from the Conservative party's newspaper of choice. The Prime Minister, The Chancellor, and many of their advisors will no doubt have registered it. It sits very uncomfortably with their vision of a UK fracking its way to prosperity, and with much else about the energy incumbency's current set of narratives.

My latest blog, on The Elders website, offers some thinking congruent with all this. It positions SolarAid's breakthrough in solar-lighting-versus-kerosene as an example of a bite-sized first step to replacing other entire categories of fossil-fuel use, a process that can realistically be accelerated in these days of investors beginning to wake up to the potential risk of wasting capital expenditure in an expanding carbon bubble.

The two short reads, taken together, offer me hope that once-almost-inconceivable transformative change is possible, leading to much social good, if we can manage the transition. I hope you too.

Happy weekend!

Dr. Jeremy Leggett
Founder and Chairman, Solarcentury & SolarAid
Chairman, CarbonTracker & Firefly Clean Energy


Jeremy Leggett, WCRE Member of Chairpersons Board
July 11, 2014

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