We wish you a healthy and peaceful Year of the Monkey and 2016 - in the conviction that the immediate and unequivocal move the renewable energy is empowering and supports peace. The signs are auspicious: not only great opportunities in economic shifts, but also great shifts in cultural realities support a rapid move to the regenerative age. And just in time.
Million of refugees are uprooted world-wide - not only from Syria to Europe. We know that the long violence endured by the innocents of the region is doubly prompted by the world's addiction to fossil fuels: first in Europe's, the US' and the industrial world's complicity in installing and supporting 'oil flow stabilising' regional dictatorships and militant proxy states - and on the one hand, and the existential pressures exerted on farmers by fossil-fuel induced global warming on the other.
From the Ukraine across Africa and the Middle East to the South China Sea spans a smouldering arc of military tensions, in the global and regional jockeying for fossil fuel control, especially of oil and gas. Even the oil price is being used as strategic weapon again, in novel ways. The threat of nuclear conflict, close sibling of the so-called peaceful use of atomic reactors, has become an almost casual feature in the haphazard brinkmanship that passes as diplomacy today. And as if this were not enough: the unfettered combustion of coal, oil and gas has driven the planetary ecosystem and with it the global economy hard to the point of no return - while the world basks in the unnaturally warm and ultimately fleeting afterglow of the Paris Agreement.
What can, should, must Europe and the world do to lower the heat all around, and help steer the global economy into sustainable waters? The answer lies in practical and immediate ways in which a total transformation to renewable energy can be implemented - and regenerative land management, water systems and forestry adopted. You, our members and supporters are key to this.