Regenerative Region

regenerative regionRegenerative Region - Energy- and Climate Atlas Lake Constance-Alpine Rhine

"Regions undergo a renaissance in this globalised world, re-emerging as vital domains of collective life, sources of cultural identity, as planning territories and economic spaces – and as autonomous energy systems. Regions play a critical role in working towards to a carbon emissions and nuclear free future. At the regional level resilient renewable energy systems can evolve, supporting community health and security – and producing substantial value added benefits. Indeed, in the struggle for renewable energy independence, the future belongs to renewable energy, sustainable local income generation and, urgently, regional carbon sequestration strategies.

A five-university consortium led by Professor Droege studied the Lake Constance Region, a 15’0000 square kilometre large territory across four central European countries over four years, and demonstrated how it can become a model region, and how its potentials can be fully utilised, building on the many current initiatives. The multidisciplinary and scientifically based publication is now released: it explores the energetic, organisational and economic opportunities of a renewably autonomous region. The authors present directions and tangible possibilities for the regional economy, spatial development, transport, urban design and architecture, in at once practical and model ways."

The book features an english language executive summary, short summaries of all German chapters as well as English subtitles to all graphics.

Editor: Professor Peter Droege, General Chairman of the WCRE and President of EUROSOLAR, holds the Chair for Sustainable Spatial Development at the University of Liechtenstein
oekom verlag June 2014
ISBN: 978-3-86581-455-5

eBook ISBN: 9783865815781

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