Thank you for condolences

Bonn, 19 October 2010

We received many hundreds letters, cards and notes of condolence through e-mail and fax from across the world at the EUROSOLAR secretariat in Bonn and the parliamentary offices of Hermann Scheer in Berlin and Waiblingen.
Thank you to all of you who expressed your sympathy on the death of Hermann Scheer.

Every single message shows how much the founder and president of EUROSOLAR has influenced many other people who, either individually or involved in initiatives, organizations or local communities, are dedicated to the shift to renewable energy.

Please understand that for the time being I choose this way to thank you for your thoughts and sympathy. While it is not possible to answer all letters in a prompt manner, we want you to know that all suggestions and ideas we have received from you are important to us and will have an impact on the work we do. We continually inform about upcoming events and activities at the EUROSOLAR website.

Irm Pontenagel
Managing Director

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