Since this week Liechtenstein may officially call itself a Solar World Champion. Brigitte Schmidt, Preben Maegaard, Wolfgang Hein and Hans-Josef Fell from the Solar Super State Association awarded the country with the Solar Super State Prize in its capital Vaduz on 29 June 2015. With 481 watts of installed PV capacity per head, the country with only 36,000 inhabitants has passed Germany (473 Watt) in the rankings. Italy, Belgium and the Vatican City are positioned on the following ranks.
"It is crystal clear that we are nowhere near the goal of reaching a 100% solar super world”, explains Peter Droege, EUROSOLAR president and author of the model "Renewable Liechtenstein". The ranking of the Solar Super State Association lists all 197 states and their total production of solar and wind power. The large gaps in the ranking show the importance of the common struggle against the 'incumbent interests' of the fossil and nuclear industries and their political representatives.
A recent report from the Liechtensteiner Vaterland can be found here (in German language).