WCRE Announcement, December 2006
The transition from fossil fuels and nuclear energy to renewable energies relies on the dedication, theoretical and practical skills of the coming generation. Constant growth within the renewable energy industries, institutes and organisations also provides tremendous personal and professional opportunities.
The WCRE is therefore happy to announce the launch of the World Wind Energy Institute.
Seven existing universities and centres in Brazil, Canada, China, Cuba, Denmark, Egypt and Russia offer 10 month programmes as a joint effort to provide new opportunities for education and training within wind energy and other renewables.
You will find details in the announcement below and on the homepage www.wwei.nu
Wind and integrated renewable energy training at leading centres around the world
An invitation
The World Wind Energy Institute (WWEI) is a new worldwide decentralized network of existing training and research centres specializing in wind energy and integrated renewable energy technology. The WWEI offers an integrated ten month global training and education programme aimed at postgraduate students (and similarly qualified people) from around the world.
The seven WWEI centres are located in five continents and specialize in a variety of renewable energy applications. They will provide postgraduate training focusing on renewable energy research, development, and implementation to facilitate both access to modern energy services, and the crucial transition from fossil fuels and atomic energy to 100% renewable energy sources. Collaboration will be on a non-commercial and independent basis.
The aim of the WWEI is to achieve the broadest possible international dissemination and exchange of know-how related to all aspects of wind and other renewable energy sources. At a time when information about wind energy and other renewable energies is urgently needed throughout the world, the WWEI training programme can play a crucial role.
Participation in the WWEI training programme will provide students with a highly specialized global understanding of renewable energy technologies, practical preparation and professional contacts necessary to take an active and leading role in the field.
The WWEI Centres
Each of the seven centres which together form the WWEI already enjoy a worldwide reputation and have excellent capabilities in high level training, research, and technology transfer, with a unique expertise in highly specific aspects of renewable energy. All the centres share the conviction that global collaboration is essential for the immediate and broad implementation of wind energy and other renewable energy technologies.
The WWEI centres will provide on-site examples of innovative, exemplary and successful renewable energy development for a variety of social sectors which have an interest in the emerging renewable energy industry. This includes public sector, industrial, community, educational or extension work, grassroots community work, organizational work, researchers and policy-makers.
The seven participating centres are:
- EOLICA, Brazilian Wind Energy Center, www.eolica.com.br,
Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil, www.ufpe.br
Specializing in wind power measurements and implementation, wind-diesel RE island projects, high level training and research.
- St. Lawrence College, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, energyhouse.ati.sl.on.ca
Specialized training in renewable, energy efficiency, and operational practice and maintenance, applied research and demonstration of these technologies
- Asian Wind Energy Training Centre, Beijing, China
Specializing in small stand-alone wind mills (with battery chargers), windpumps and wind / PV hybrid stand-alone systems.
- Higher Polytechnical Institute Jose A. Echeverria of Havana, Centre for the Study of Renewable Energy Technologies (CETER), Havana, Cuba, www.cujae.edu.cu
Specializing in wind energy in hurricanes and tropical conditions. Coordination of renewable energy research and education in Cuba.
- Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy, Ydby, Denmark, www.folkecenter.net/gb
Integration of wind, solar, biomass and hydrogen in hybrid and energy efficient systems. Research, development and international technology transfer and training.
- African Wind Energy Training Centre, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt, www.mans.eun.eg
Specializing in implementation of wind and other renewable energy technologies in desert conditions and international technology transfer.
- Kola Science Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Physical and Technological Problems of Energy in the North Apatiti, Russia, www.kolasc.net.ru
Specializing in Arctic wind power.
It is anticipated that more centres will join the WWEI in the future.
The Programme
In essence, the WWEI programme consists of a ten month global traineeship.
- During the study period trainees will travel to different continents and stay in three or four of the WWEI centres.
- The programme will be based around groups of between 4 and 8 trainees spending between two and four months at each of these institutions.
- All the students in the group will travel together, following a common ten month itinerary.
- There will be two itineraries, one of which includes study at three centres, the other at four.
- Trainees have the option of starting their programme either in Brazil or Denmark.
All programmes will be in English.
The WWEI programme will start with two groups of between four and eight students from around the world in April 2007. New groups of students will start in August 2007, and January 2008. This study cycle will be repeated annually. We are currently welcoming applications for people wishing start in April and August 2007.
For further information about the WWEI centres, the programme, costs and how to apply to study with the WWEI please contact us at :
WWEI Secretariat
c/o Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy
DK-7760 Hurup Thy
ph. +45 9795 6600
fax +45 9795 6565
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Supporting Organizations
David Suzuki Foundation, www.davidsuzuki.org
EUROSOLAR - The European Association for Renewable Energy, www.eurosolar.org
Ontario Sustainable Energy Association, www.ontario-sea.org
UNESCO, www.unesco.org
World Council for Renewable Energy (WCRE), www.wcre.org
Further details