Press information
Wuppertal/Berlin, August 26, 2008
Conference: Experts from twelve countries inform about the variety of technologies available for the storage of renewable energy
EUROSOLAR and the World Council for Renewable Energy (WCRE) invite to the Third International Renewable Energy Storage Conference that will take place in the German capital Berlin, November 24-25, 2008. In the representation of the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia international experts will discuss the possibilities and still impossibilities for storing energy gained from renewable sources. The event takes place in cooperation with the German Federal Environment Ministry and the EnergyAgency.NRW, the service provider of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia in all energy matters.
Driven by the ever climbing oil price energy storage technologies have made considerable progress benefiting from the development of hybrid and electric vehicles. Especially the performance of lithium-ion batteries has increased. Right now lithium-ion batteries can store 150Wh/g which is more than the double amount of energy that can be stored by nickel-metal hydride batteries. The future challenge will be to make existing storage systems economically feasible and marketable. One of the major topics of the event will be lithium-ion batteries for mobile and stationary use.
Problem: The wind is not always blowing and sunlight is not always available at the same intensity. All the more important is energy storage that balances the temporal gap between power production and power consumption. The event in Berlin will among other things focus on innovative concepts and technologies, the combination of energy storage and production, storage solutions for stationary applications, heat storage systems and lithium-ion battery technology presented by speakers from Germany, the United Kingdom, Laos, Denmark, Japan, the USA, France, Canada, Switzerland and several other countries.
In October 2006, EUROSOLAR and the WCRE started the first of a new international conference series themed “International Renewable Energy Storage Conference“ (IRES). It is intended to contribute to the developments in energy storage and to publicize their application. After the huge success of the first and second event the third conference will take place in Berlin, November 24-25, 2008. The participation fee amounts to 450,00 € for EUROSOLAR/WCRE-members and 600,00 € for non-members.
Further information and registration: Further information: EUROSOLAR, Kaiser-Friedrich-Str. 11, 53113 Bonn/Germany, ph. +49228 - 36 23 73, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and, Contact person: Valentin Hollain (EUROSOLAR)