WCRE Press Releases

IRENA-Conference BonnPress release, Bonn, January 26, 2009

International Renewable Energy Agency established in Bonn, Germany.

Today 75 states founded the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) in Bonn. Since the nineties EUROSOLAR and the WCRE have continuously promoted the idea of IRENA. The German government has initiated the process that now leads to the foundation of IRENA. Nearly 400 representatives from 120 countries, among them 43 ministers, took part in the founding conference.

eseanrw.gifPress information 
Wuppertal/Berlin, August 26, 2008

Conference: Experts from twelve countries inform about the variety of technologies available for the storage of renewable energy 

EUROSOLAR and the World Council for Renewable Energy (WCRE) invite to the Third International Renewable Energy Storage Conference that will take place in the German capital Berlin, November 24-25, 2008. In the representation of the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia international experts will discuss the possibilities and still impossibilities for storing energy gained from renewable sources. The event takes place in cooperation with the German Federal Environment Ministry and the EnergyAgency.NRW,  the service provider of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia in all energy matters.

logo_72.gifAt the invitation of the German Federal Government representatives of 60 countries met today and yesterday (10th and 11th April 2008) in Berlin at the Preparatory Conference for the Foundation of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).

Over the last years, the  World Council for Renewable Energy (WCRE) and EUROSOLAR have been the main driving force behind the initiative to establish an International Renewable Energy Agency. Now the German Government has agreed to push the process forward.

windmillsWCRE Announcement, December 2006 

The transition from fossil fuels and nuclear energy to renewable energies relies on the dedication, theoretical and practical skills of the coming generation. Constant growth within the renewable energy industries, institutes and organisations also provides tremendous personal and professional opportunities.

The WCRE is therefore happy to announce the launch of the World Wind Energy Institute.

Seven existing universities and centres in Brazil, Canada, China, Cuba, Denmark, Egypt and Russia offer 10 month programmes as a joint effort to provide new opportunities for education and training within wind energy and other renewables.

You will find details in the announcement below and on the homepage www.wwei.nu

Wind and integrated renewable energy training at leading centres around the world

An invitation 

The World Wind Energy Institute (WWEI) is a new worldwide decentralized network of existing training and research centres specializing in wind energy and integrated renewable energy technology. The WWEI offers an integrated ten month global training and education programme aimed at postgraduate students (and similarly qualified people) from around the world.

WCRE Press Release, October 27th, 2006 

Beijing, China. A historic agreement was forged October 25th among four renewable energy organizations to assess the feasibility of increasing the use of renewable energy to 25% of global primary energy supply by the year 2025. 

The memorandum of understanding entitled “Joint Assessment of Reaching 25% Renewable Energy by the Year 2025” was negotiated and signed by Michael Eckhart, President of the American Council On Renewable Energy (ACORE), Li Junfeng, Executive Director of the Chinese Renewable Energy Industries Association (CREIA), Arthouros Zervos, President of the European Renewable Energy Council (EREC), and Wolfgang Palz, Chairman of the World Council for Renewable Energy (WCRE).

“The time is right to raise our thinking to the next level,” stated Michael Eckhart of ACORE.   “We acknowledge Europe’s pledge to increase renewable energies, China’s commitment to 15% renewables, and the Renewable Portfolio Standards of many of the US states, and now join together to assess how to take the next step in policy development.”

The memorandum calls for the groups to assess the feasibility and policy requirements needed to move the US, Europe and China to the 25% level in their respective areas, and to merge the results together into a joint report one year from now.

“It is imperative that we do this now,” said Wolfgang Palz of WCRE.  “The world cannot wait for such policy thinking.”

The signing took place at the Great Wall World Renewable Energy Forum (GWREF), a world conference and exposition in China that opened this week with leaders from the US, Europe, China and other countries in attendance.

Memorandum Great Wall Renewable Energy Memorandum (pdf) 

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